The National Company for International Exhibitions and Conferences

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Mr. President AL Sisi attended the 5st. celebration for differently abled 2024 at Al Manara main Theater Mr. President AL Sisi inaugurated 7th Conference & EXPOS for Energy EGYPES 2024 at EIEC and Al Manara ICC The biggest collection of European & American visions For furniture & decoration menus gathered at Le Marche March 2024 EIEC hosted edition 2024 of Cairo liftech show at Hall 4

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Egypt International Exhibition Center News

EG PROP inaugurated the most real estate offers Windows Profitability on Hall 4 at EIEC

Offers surpassed all barriers, surprises & facilities located exactly in the space of opportunities with highest profit for investors

Hall 4 at EIEC hosted forum for elite real estate of luxury & private acquisitions makers and developers at EG PROP expos for famous of Egyptian real estate which held by Brandit Cairo Advertising & Exhibition Organizing during period from 26 to 28 June 2024 on space area of approximately 7800 sqm With sharing of 35 exhibitors with the typical booths of major real estate development companies in Egypt with offers that exceeded all limits & barriers of surprises as soon as the first day of the show began, amid facilities that fall completely within the scope of opportunities with a clear & remarkable visitors and media interest from the first hours of show. Relatedly real estate developers have offered units that include villas, chalets, residential units and commercial, investment & service complexes of various sizes and new designs of their kind also impressive to maximum in several known areas for their high demand rates and continuous growth in their profitability and lucrative returns, while the most influential supply areas were focused on Settlement 5, New Cairo, North Coast, Ain Sokhna and 6th of October, addition to city center, future incubator in the New Administrative Capital beside other active real estate windows throughout Egyptian market.

More over 250 exhibitors on Big Five 2024 list Giant projects launched of Egypt for the first time of kind

A selected package of official sharing included both China , Turkey Germany & Italy registered their presence at EIEC

The events of largest EXPOS in the list of investment, tools, building & construction materials at Egypt & Middle East known for international evidence Big Five 2024 were held on Halls 1 & 2 at EIEC. The event was organized by DMG on space area 16940 sqm with 4 official sharing on commercial & investment scale. Eclectic and distinct from any previous version with a list that included China, Turkey, Germany and Italy. Added that, more over 250 companies from Egyptian market and abroad presented the latest offers for raw materials, technologies, equipment and building materials, in addition to many of qualitative projects with weight and proven profitable returns in several sectors, some of which presented for first time in Egypt, while reservations were made 18 countries have fixed seats, as usual of Big 5 this year, amid investment & commercial presence that exceeded all expected indicators from Belgium, Cyprus, India, Sultanate of Oman, Denmark, Pakistan, South Korea, United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Britain, Greece and others. exhibitions activities also provided spacious areas & effective windows for major businessmen and elite investors from 30 countries, in addition to merchants, manufacturers, and production & distribution agencies known for their quality characteristics and qualities, as well as high purchasing orders & confirmed deals over 3 consecutive days from 25 to 27 June.

Under patronage of Mr President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi... Dr Mostafa Madbouly inaugurated the 3st. edition of Africa Health 2024

UPA & GCM introduced a new model For continental partnership in various medical sectors

Under patronage of Mr President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi President of ARE, Prime Minister Dr Mostafa Madbouly witnessed inauguration proceedings of the 3st. edition of the biggest medical conference and EXPOS of kind in Africa and Middle East Africa Health 2024 at Al Manara ICC & EIEC which organized by UPA & GCM Company from 3 to 6 June on space area of more over 40000 sqm in halls 1, 2, 3 & 4 addition to conference showroom. Inauguration activities at AL Manara ICC main theater were attended by Minister of Health and Population Dr Khaled Abdel Ghaffar and many of ministers, chief head of UPA Major General Dr Bahaa El Din Zidan, senior officials, statesmen and guests of Egypt from various Arab & African countries and many gusts of world whose sharing in this event. Dr Mostafa Madbouly accompanied by senior invitees also made an inspection tour to follow up on the latest exhibits presented by Egyptian, African & globally companies which sharing in the exhibition with clear diversity & visions that the latest of kind at EIEC where exhibition paths for economic & scientific levels exceeded the previous 2 editions in all aspects, while areas were available biggest & more influential to activate added cooperation protocols and specialized initiatives between Egypt & countries joining Africa Health selected list. program of important event includes large scale medical & scientific conferences, presence of approximately 110 leading countries from best categories in medical, pharmaceutical & therapeutic industries and equipment in various specialties and more over 200 exhibitors under slogan Your Gateway to Innovation and Trade along with more over 1000 speakers representing famous regional & international expertise in Medical fields in all sectors, addition to Africa Health strategic platform for developing of medical sector in countries of UA.

Informa has brought together a package of global front rows for industry Food products at Fi Africa ProPak Mena 2024

Great momentum & imminent deals in Halls 1 & 2 at EIEC with sharing from 23 leading countries for food manufacturing

halls 1 & 2 at EIEC hosted the activities of new session of Fi Africa ProPak Mena 2024 which organized by Informa during from 26 to 28 May over 3 continuous days with sharing of more over 266 exhibitors and more than 23 countries representing from global front rows in food products industry and all industrial inclusions & derivatives addition to advanced techniques and technologies in packaging amid certain expectations & imminent momentum to conclude more deals & open new and continuous windows for commercial exchange and intra trade between Egypt with partners from various countries of the world. The show list included a group of selected elite companies joining the event from Belgium, China, Cyprus, Czechia, France, India, South Korea, Lebanon and Malaysia, in addition to Netherlands, Nigeria, Poland, KSA, Spain, Turkey, UAE, USA and Uzbekistan beside Egyptian exhibitors. Relatedly, Informa held several important & effective forums on developments taking place in industrial sectors of food and packaging & systems used internationally to increase production, diversify sources and meet accelerating requirements of global markets, while providing within framework of broad fields & many windows for businessmen and industrial investors from Egypt and abroad to exchange Commercial ideas & visions, added that to following up on high quality technical offers presented by companies this year, some of which were presented for the first time at Egyptian market.

The Cybersecurity & Digital Transformation Summit CDIS launched activities For 2024 on Hall 3 at EIEC

Al Manara ICC hosted the biggest introductory forum about Egyptian project For digitization with sharing of elite experts & regional partners

proceedings and activities of Cybersecurity Conference & Exhibition and Egypt International Digital Transformation Summit CDIS were launched at EIEC organized by Brandet Cairo Company on Hall 3 with sharing of more over 41 companies specialized in technical systems for digitization, information construction, & advanced protection from major economic institutions and leading investment & financial sectors from government and private sectors within 3 consecutive days of presentation under auspices of Presidency of Council of Ministers from 19 to 21 May 2024. Inauguration activities were attended by Minister of Communications & Information Technology Dr Amr Talaat who gave a speech announced the launch of cyber skills training initiative will benefited approximately 1000 university students in the coming future. On a related note and within the agenda of event, Egypt International Summit for Digital Transformation Technologies and Cybersecurity FDC Summit was held on main stage of Al Manara ICC in presence of.....the highest level of specialized experts in Egypt as well as regional partners, while discussions focused on efforts The continuous & tangible efforts made by Egyptian government in cooperation with all parties of cyber system are main actors in Egyptian digitization project, in addition to role of important supporters in developing & developing local activities so that they become the focus of world attention which contributes to top priority as a strategic aims in supporting confidence in local investment & economic climate. Discussions within exhibition halls, as well as the latest technical presentations of their kind in this field, also discussed effective ways to advance cybersecurity concepts and data integration practices through a pivotal platform for knowledge exchange & communication in cooperation with professionals in various sectors, added that exploring Egyptian strategies through CDIS Forum to Empower Individuals. organizations, enhance protection of digital assets, ensure privacy & improve data integration processes.

250 exhibitors have joined the list Of German Arabic comp. at Windoorex 2024

500 exhibitors presenting the best Successful Investments In the 7th. Egypt Projects at EIEC

In new and distinctive initiative by German Arab one of the most important pioneers for exhibition industry in Egypt & region markets, the 7th. session of International Building and Construction EXPOS of Egypt Projects for local market & countries of African continent was launched at EIEC by space area 7260 sqm in Hall 1. addition, Egypt Projects has continued successful path since the first launch 2016 as a leading platform in the field of construction within region markets for 8 sectors dedicated to building and construct works while the current version 2024 presented a famous & unprecedented platform that included more over 500 exhibitors from governmental and private sectors to benefit from Available commercial & investment opportunities. Beside that German Arab comp. presented a new innovation & great vision in presenting the current session of Windoorex for doors, windows & building materials, with sharing of 250 exhibiting companies representing more than 12 countries including Germany, Italy, KSA, UK , Netherlands, China & Turkey, in addition to India, Indonesia and Singapore with Egypt in Hall 2 during from 17 to 20 May over 4 consecutive days for both events. noteworthy that Windoorex 2024 provided scope for the best brands, manufacturers, suppliers & wholesalers of glass, facade systems, aluminum composite panels, PVC profiles, doors, hardware, glass processing equipment, production technology, paints and protections.

Universal introduced more over 250 exhibitors for Egy Beauty2024 with finest products and cosmetics

3 billion $ Egypt-s market share on sales Cosmetics within 3 years until 2027

The inauguration events & activities of EGY Beauty & Perfumes Africa EXPO-S were held in Hall 1 at EIEC which organized by Universal Exhibitions Advertising & Advertising during from 11 to 13 May 2024 with participation of more over 250 exhibitors from the famous institutions for manufacture & marketing of cosmetics Famous and great international brands. Ref. several countries with large fields and very successful paths over many years in production lines of preparations & raw materials which this industry is based, joined the list of event 2024, most notably Turkey, China and South Africa participating with booths and various companies inside hall. noteworthy that Egyptian market is one of the active markets on African continent regarding beauty & personal care products with a market share expected to achieve further growth of 6.98 percent over next 3 years with a value of more over 3 billion $ until 2027.

The Address Property Show started the atmosphere of opportunities Real Estate with sharing of 25 elite star exhibitors

A great forum for deals, businessmen & investors Real estate agents in Hall 2 at EIEC

EIEC hosted a forum for real estate elites from the leading stars and first ranks in Egyptian market at The Address Property Show one of signs of quality & excellence for real estate investment products which organized by The Address for organizing exhibitions & conferences during from 8 to 11 May 2024 for inauguration and events on Hall 2. Addition, more over 25 leading exhibitors joined the selected show list of the most important real estate manufacturing & marketing companies and distinguished real estate developers in Egypt, focusing on categories known for indicators of trust, merit, business volume and growing sales, especially in magical real estate spots that enjoy great & clear interest from the customer base. And pioneers of confirmed purchasing orders inside Egypt and abroad in order to seize the available & profitable opportunities in New Administrative Capital & northern Egyptian coast, added to many projects in different & diverse regions that fall directly into the safe investment space & famous profitable return. The atmosphere of The Address Property Show this year was also characterized by turnout that exceeded all previous editions of dazzling real estate event & exceeded all expectations by a significant difference with presence of a best group of senior businessmen, investors & real estate developers which opened various areas for concluding more deals & purchasing operations for companies and individuals, with availability of solutions and more over excellent payment facilities in one of the finest & best real estate forums at Egyptian market.

35 exhibitors launched their first products at NDTX Engineering EXPO-S

5 major industrial countries on the list of show In Hall 3 at EIEC

More over 35 companies & exhibitors participated in activities of NDTX International Exhibition for Engineering Inspection Welding, Asset Integration and Equipment which organized by NDT Corner Expo in Hall 3 at EIEC during from 7 to 9 May 2024 where 7 joined Countries to list of most popular displays of mechanization & advanced industrial technologies with companies and investors from Germany, UAE, USA, India, Russia beside South Korea and Iraq. industrial event focused on providing a local & regional environment and solutions that compatible with international engineering and technical standards for welding, mechanical safety and industrial integration while providing new windows to provide business leaders of technicians & technicians trained at highest level while presentation events presented new & qualitative visions for inspection and testing equipment, painting, welding machines and industrial safety Environmental measurements & inspection services added that training, qualification and consultation. Ref. several forums were held within the event program during a group of experts and consultants were present who were specially invited from Egypt and abroad to meet industrial pioneers & exhibiting companies so They presented completely new concepts about global developments in sectors related to industry with important roles which played by modern technologies to increase production according to specifications Safe & practical.

Insomnia 2024 introduced the biggest video game festival on Hall 1 at EIEC

World championships for singles & teams with sharing From 6 countries the best of technical leadership at field

Insomnia Egypt 2024 was held on Hall 1 at EIEC which was organized by BMI Global for Conferences & EXPO-S so included the biggest event for the most advanced gaming festival with global technical introducing of video games, on space area of 9680 sqm, amid a remarkable visitors turnout. At the level of individuals & teams during from 25 to 27 April over 3 consecutive days of the show with sharing of more over 70 exhibitors & famous booths and 6 leading countries in this field the most important and the best as United States of America, England, Taiwan, France, China and UAE. Inauguration proceedings & events were witnessed by Minister of Youth and Sports Dr Ashraf Sobhi and many of important figures with senior invitees from Egypt and abroad. In addition, BMI Global has made a comprehensive update on activities of the event for current year through tournaments in various games that receive great interest from young and emerging buds at individual & team levels, which provided the participants with great opportunities to win through valuable prizes presented by organizer to the winners amid A competitive atmosphere that surpassed all previous editions of Insomnia at fifth consecutive year.

Cafex 2024 introduced the best cafe equipment & offers And restaurants for five star categories at EIEC

On space area 9680 sqm at Hall 1 included 110 exhibitors & sharing from Italy, Belgium , India and Indonesia

EIEC hosted 10st. edition of the most famous Cafex2024 which specializes in field of equipment & offers for cafes and restaurants with globally brands to categories & characteristics of five stars at level for raw materials & technologies as well as equipment requirements which are of wide interest from different groups & ages in Egyptian and Arab markets to learn about latest new of international standards which was organized by Events Middle East during from 18 to 20 April on space area 9680 sqm on Hall 1 at EIEC with a list of 110 exhibitors add also external sharing from Italy, Belgium , India and Indonesia beside 30 famous brands at filed. Cafex 2024 program included also one of the biggest & best barista competitions where contestants competed for preparing hot drinks according to international quality standards and presenting them to judging committees in a specific & standard time The results showed extent of development for this industry technologies as one of the most popular & profitable investment windows on Egypt presented by Cafex to pioneers. And his visitors with distinguished & selected performances this year.

Red Bull Car Park Drift 2024 presented the best version Car racing qualifiers at EIEC

The leaders will sharing in final global qualifiers scheduled which held soon of Oman

In the field of competition for car racing pioneers, EIEC hosted Red Bull Car Park Drift Egypt 2024 global qualifiers in special & unique selective atmosphere which the elite of first rows for racers who held records of speed races participated, amid presence of biggest audience from Egypt & abroad with Noticeable media interest exceeded the previous edition of tournament last year by significant margin, as part of activities for second session of most widespread Sports Expo. addition, the top finishers in race for Egyptian version 2024 will sharing in the final global qualifiers for competition, which scheduled to be held soon on Oman, amid certain expectations of breaking new record barriers in the world of speed & driving skills that will allow followers of region & globally special view and splendor in upcoming international forum.

patronaged by Mr President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi ... Dr Ashraf Sobhi and Eng Ahmed Samir inaugurated Sports Expo 2024 at EIEC

More over 120 exhibitors presented their famous products & investments in space area approx 25000 sqm with sharing of UAE & China

Under patronage of Mr President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi President of ARE the 2st. of Sports Expo 2024 conference & exhibition which organized by Delta Conex was launched during from 7 to 9 March at Halls 3, 4 and 5 with space area approximately 25000 sqm with sharing of more over 120 exhibitors representing The biggest internationally known industrial brands in various sports sectors and industries, addition to many official Egyptian & Arab institutions with presence of UAE and China in the largest gathering of kind by worthy & investments that expected to exceed the rates achieved in the first edition by more than 300 million $. In addition the opening proceedings at EIEC were witnessed by Minister of Youth & Sports Dr Ashraf Sobhi and minister of trade Eng Ahmed Samir & many of investors & businessmen while exhibitors presented their first products in various sports industries using the latest international models & systems, added to many of new projects & facilities Which will join Egyptian sports sector within nearly period, providing opportunities for Egypt to host many events, tournaments and activities at continental and globally levels. at 2st. of exhibition Delta Conex also provided for visitors with exclusive opportunities to follow exhibits & practice many sports games on expo-s program, added to qualifiers for famous Red Bull Car Park Drift 2024 on Park 1200 at EIEC amid remarkable public & media interest.

The biggest collection of European & American visions For furniture & decoration menus gathered at Le Marche March 2024

EIEC received the pioneers of elegance & The sconed launched of Electrotech EXPO at hall 1

atmosphere bearing all the titles & characteristics of elegance and good vision, Arab African Commercial Advertising Group AAPIC, held the activities of march 2024 session for Le Marche Furniture & Decoration EXPO-S on space area of more over 29000 sqm at halls 2&3 and 4 at EIEC during from 29 February to 3 march Over course 4 days, with selected list more than 150 exhibitors from the most prominent & important luxury brands will offer furniture, decorations and home furnishings of all kinds based on latest globally designs with concepts that match European & American visions. in a 2st. addition of kind, AAPIC launched the sconed Electrotech EXPO for electrical appliances of all types, models on space area of approximately 5000 sqm at Hall 1, with sharing of most famous brands at Egyptian market, whose products & offers enjoy trust and quality, add that the continuous increase in offers & orders Purchasing as the event witnessed expected visiting turnout & expected to be one of the excellent additions & surprises with a greater expansion at EXPO-S production for coming years.

EIEC hosted 4.7 million visitors at 55st for Cairo International Book Fair

Oman will be the guest of honor In the 56st edition of Cairo Book Fair 2025

EIEC recorded the first of kind for visiting show following the end of activities for 55st session for Cairo International Book Fair with biggest turnout of 4.7 million visitors during 13 days of visiting days at 5 halls, addition to interactive atmosphere in artistic & intellectual program, cultural salon & Diwan. Poetry, main & international halls and other open areas & courtyards of famous forum for culture & arts in Egypt and Arab world which deservedly holds all international standards. The event was also able to pass worthy & qualitative many regarding activities of publishing houses, publications all with new titles presented in form, design & content while Ministry of Culture and GEBO announced that Oman will be the guest of honor at 56st edition of Cairo International Book Fair 2025.

Mr. President AL Sisi inaugurated the 3st. for EDEX Cairo 2023 at EIEC

More over 400 exhibitors representing over 40 countries provided the latest defensive & offensive sys. in the world

Under patronage & in presence of Mr. President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi, President of ARE Supreme Commander of Armed Forces, Egyptian International Defense Industries expo-s EDEX 2023 which organized by Armed Forces in cooperation with international company Arabian World Events AWE was inaugurated during from 4 to 7 December on space area of more over 32000 sqm at Halls 2 & 3 and 4, added outdoor show at EIEC over 4 consecutive days for Grand Forum. Beside that, Mr. President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi accompanied by senior attendees for inspection tour inside halls & outdoor show areas to follow up the latest developments of advanced military industries, including defensive & offensive sys. equipped with high precision & famous quality for technologies, most of which are being displayed in Egypt inside EDEX halls for the first time, alongside displays. Excellent & unprecedented for arming air, naval and land forces, in addition to new air defense sys., radars, unmanned aerial vehicles and many other diverse offers presented by Egypt with distinguished booths from more than 400 exhibitors & 22 globally booths representing more than 40 countries from ranks of world’s first leaders of military industries, well deserved. noteworthy that EDEX Egypt 2023 invited high level military delegations representing nearly 100 countries to visit activities, amid Arab, regional and international interest of media exceeds for all days of the event.

Under patronage of Mr. President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi .. TRANS MEA 2023 inaugurated at EIEC

Minister kamel AL wazir ... projects that were implemented Over past 10 years there has been great & pioneering progress

Under patronage of Mr. President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi, President of ARE, TRANS MEA 2023 inaugurated for activities which represents a major qualitative leap achieved in paths of comprehensive development & Egyptian manufacturing of transportation and logistics means & services with investments amounting to 2 trillion EGP, in unprecedented initiative at all, which organized by Trade Fairs International with cooperating of Egyptian Ministry for Transportation from 5 to 8 November. inauguration was attended by Prime Minister Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, ministers, senior statesmen, guests & Egypts partners present at event from Arab & friendly countries, and representatives of major international investment companies specialized in transportation & logistics services industry, while Dr. Mostafa Madbouly accompanied by senior attendees undertook a follow inspection tour for products at halls 1 & 2 on space area of 19360 sqm, as well as on courtyard designated for displaying express trains of the latest globally makes & models, on space area 1200 sqm at EIEC. For his part, Minister of Transport Lieutenant General Kamel Al Wazir confirmed that Egypt is preparing during very imminent period for official launch & operation of monorail for New Administrative Capital, pointing out that projects have been implemented during the past 10 years are large & pioneering, noting the necessity of localizing Egyptian transportation industry. He also explained that Egypt will not import any railway carriage from abroad, and that we have pure & distinguished Egyptian buses, indicating that a contract has been made with Nerk Company to produce & manufacture 320 new metro carriage. Another side, Mr. Osama Kamal Chairman of organizing company for the event, explained that exhibition achieved great success during the past sessions & continues progress at current edition, which witnesses unique experience showcasing high speed trains for the first time, while he pointed out that TRANS MEA has become one of the 5. most important specialized exhibitions. for transportation services & logistics industries globally. It is noteworthy that list of foreign sharing at EXPO-S this year included Austria, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Korea, Netherland, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Arab Emirates & USA, with more over 18 countries in addition to more than 120 companies exhibiting at major investment & industrial event for elites.

Mr. Prime Minister inaugurated Cairo ICT EXPO at EIEC

Mr. Osama Kamal ... Egyptian market is promising and enjoys great confidence from major international companies

Under patronage of Mr.President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi President of ARE, Prime Minister Dr. Mostafa Madbouly inaugurated the activities of International Communications & Information Technology EXPO-S & Conference Cairo ICT Middle East and Africa 2023, which organized by Trade Fairs International during from 19 to 22 November on Halls 1&2 and 3 at EIEC , so the event set on space area more over 24200 sqm during 4 days with sharing of more than 320 companies and institutions at highest level, in addition to 9 countries that joined the list of event, most notably China, United States, Germany, India, South Korea, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United Arab of Emirates, France and others. beside that, Dr. Mostafa Madbouly inspection tour of halls to follow up booths & exhibitors & innovative proposals they presented in sectors of communications, scientific and technical services and financial, in addition to other branches related to development and investment prospects at Egyptian market in partnership with major international brands that registered presence. There was a diverse & noticeable activity in 27st. of event, at rates exceeding previous editions of Cairo ICT. For his part, the head of Trade Fairs International Mr.Osama Kamal confirmed the presence of 4 ministries in this edition, represented by ministries of education, higher education, justice & health, in addition to Central Bank of Egypt within proceedings of BAFEX conference for electronic payments, pointing out that banks & artificial intelligence technology will be at the top of discussion & agenda, motivated by great confidence enjoyed with promising Egyptian market, which receives special attention from international multinational companies.

Al Manara International Conference Center News

O6U University celebrated for graduation of 300 translators from Languages & translation College at Al Manara main Theater

Recent graduates received superior grades excellent in Chinese, French & German Languages

O6U University held a distinguished, selective ceremony in courtyard of main theater at Al Manara ICC to crown the academic year 2023-2024 with graduation of an excellent group for male and female translators affiliated by College of Translation and Languages at the university. addition, the new graduating class included more over 300 male and female students who passed the basic & final stages of study with excellent and worthy grades & grades in Chinese, French & German languages. The celebration was witnessed by group of professors from university administration and faculty members, addition to many of graduates families & media outlets with Press and media. noteworthy that O6U University has achieved high quality indicators with advanced forward looking visions in many scientific & applied specializations, branches, and divisions & has occupied important seats on the leading lists of specialized universities with very distinguished evaluations from more over one regionally & internationally accredited body during past few years.

NEIS celebrated graduation of new class batch on main stage at Al Manara ICC

Its achieved famous vision of development as one of the most prominent & important advanced and integrated scientific academies in Egypt

Nile Egyptian International Schools NEIS celebrated the graduation of new batch of graduates who passed final stage of secondary education & equivalent with achieved results that exceeded all previous academic years in all specializations and various branches & divisions, amid biggest and remarkable presence of school administration, faculty members & families of new graduates with press and media on main stage at Al Manara ICC. Relatedly, administration of NEIS one of the most prominent & important academies and most advanced and integrated scientific windows in Egypt, was keen to announce distinguished results and honor the first place holders who won important seats in the best public & private universities with merit.

Dr Nermin Ismail NIS Schools honored graduates 2024 at Al Manara main Theater

Excellent results qualified graduates to reserve class seats The first in the most prestigious universities & famous academies

main theater at Al Manara ICC hosted the grand annual closing ceremony held by Dr Nermin Ismail NIS Schools to honor graduates of new batch for academic year 2023-2024, in presence of many guests of administration teaching staff, families of new graduates & media. In addition, results came at excellent rates that exceeded all expectations & all previous years and graduates of new batch were able to reserve first row seats in the most important colleges & university academies in various scientific disciplines with merit.

Mr President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi .. EU is gaining ground Important as the most prominent trade & investment partner for Egyptian economy

Dr Mostafa Madbouly and ministerial group discussed implementation stages For biggest investments in the record of successful strategic partnership between Egypt & Europe

Local, Arab and globally media focused with great attention on successful and proven proactive steps achieved by Egypt EU Investment Conference 2024 which was inaugurated by Mr President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi President of ARE, in presence of achieve of European Commission Mrs Ursula von der Leyen and activities continued over of 29th and 30th June at AL Manara ICC. In addition, media throughout the event referred to fruitful discussions between Egyptian and European sides within framework of their strategic level as well as to what President AL Sisi stressed in his important speech during inauguration by presence of European investments estimated at approximately 5 billion euros, in addition to guarantees amounting to 1.8 billion euros for private sector which will contribute It increases foreign direct investments & provides ample opportunities for European business community to benefit from investment potential in Egypt, while at the same time strengthening position of EU as the most prominent trade & investment partner for Egyptian economy. Relatedly, conference proceedings continued their activities, as Prime Minister Dr Mostafa Madbouly met with European Commissioner for Neighborhood & Enlargement Affairs, Mr Oliver Varhelyi, in presence of senior officials from both sides where many topics of common interest in political and economic aspects were discussed as well as ways to develop trade and investment work paths with opportunities. A major & imminent agreement between Egypt and EU while memorandum of understanding was signed to grant Egypt 1 billion euros to support overall economy. In the same issued, ministerial group conducted intensive activity within conference agenda, where Minister of Transport Lieutenant General Kamel Al Wazir met with a group of famous German companies operating in the transport & logistics services sector, represented by Herrenknecht, Siemens & Euergit institutions to discuss implementation stages of major projects that these giant entities will undertake in the country. The Egyptian market with regard to developing ports and road network & establishing a biggest center for servicing, maintaining & rehabilitating drilling machines, while Minister of Trade & Industry Eng Ahmed Samir discussed activating the biggest Egyptian project for production of car in cooperation with many European partners whose are industrial leaders at this vital sector.

Mr President AL Sisi inaugurated Egypt EU investment conference 2024 at Al Manara ICC

Mrs Ursula von der Leyen .. More over 1000 companies & economic institutions A giant European company attended with senior representatives to discuss partnership & investment opportunities

Mr President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi President of ARE under his patronage & presence included inauguration of Egypt EU investment conference 2024, with presence of Mrs achieve of European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, Prime Minister Dr Mostafa Madbouly, ministers, senior statesmen and Arab, European & international delegations whose sharing in the event on main stage at AL Manara ICC. Mr President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi welcomed the guests of conference, appreciating great & remarkable progress which Egyptian European partnership has achieved at all levels and various fields, while His Excellency indicated that this partnership culminated by successful courses of action with signing of political declaration to raise relations between both sides to the level of partnership by strategy level. President AL Sisi also stressed that there are areas & agreements for high degree of importance & influence that are imminent and will contribute greatly to developing prospects for joint work between Egypt & European Union in energy, intra trade, infrastructure development, technology, investment, industry, techniques & sustainable transportation, addition to other axes that will be considered a new qualitative leap & a real addition For cooperation between two sides. For her part, Mrs Ursula von der Leyen explained that more over 100 days have passed since the level of partnership between Egypt & EU was raised for strategic framework, pointing out that Egypt is without a doubt a distinguished gateway to Europe through distinguished location at important junction between Middle East & Africa, indicating at same time that more over 1000 giant European companies & economic institutions attended with their senior representatives to discuss and important Egyptian investment opportunities. noteworthy that conference work will continue over the course of 29 & 30 June and will include a special session to present economic reform measures which Egypt has successfully taken & significant progress over past 10 years, added that to another session on strategic measures to transform Egypt into integrated center for localization of major European & globally companies and economic institutions. Beside for to a panel discussion on the future of cooperation between Egypt and European Union also international financial institutions to given supported investment for Egyptian official and private sectors.

Mountain View held a promotional forum For first projects on the North Coast

A special offer for most popular investment package & the highest many of confirmed purchase orders

Mountain View Company one of the most important & famous real estate makers in the Egyptian market & Middle East with level and overwhelming quality offers held famous & distinguished introductory forum to promote one of most important new projects in one of the magical spots at selective location on the northern coast through the window of The Wave Plage so the company latest and most popular projects of groups looking for Sophistication & privacy. at forum which was held on the main stage of Al Manara ICC Mountain View presented innovative & new solutions of kind for purchasing and acquiring units and villas that has offered & continues to offer in more than one location within highest potential package at the level of customers as well as confirmed purchasing operations to acquire first products, while witnessing an atmosphere The presentation was attended by many & remarkable presence of those interested, marketers & those concerned with operation & development paths of specific real estate categories.

Art & Creativity Courtyard at Al Manara ICC Hosted special screening of Welad Rizk 3

innovative vision from director of masterpieces Tariq Al Erian presence that exceeded all expectations from filmmakers

Al Manara ICC hosted the special screening of Egyptian film Welad Rizk 3 Al Qadia the story of star author Salah Al Juhaini starring the popular elite of Egyptian brightest stars with excellent package that included Ahmed Ezz, Aser Yassin, Amr Youssef and Karim Kassem It was directed by the star masterpiece director Tariq Al Erian. In addition, the special show events witnessed a biggest presence of male & female artists and various media outlets with press of Egypt and Arab world with extensive coverage that began behind scenes of work itself and concluded with great success and noticeable resonance immediately after the show in the art and creativity halls of AL Manara ICC amid a presence that exceeded all expectations from critics, scriptwriters & producers and film makers. noteworthy that the movie Welad Rizk 3 The Judge, comes 5 years after second part The Return of the Lions of the Earth was shown while the first part of it was shown 2015.

NCIEC issued The 7st. edition of NCIEC News magazine June 2024

The new edition covers expanded coverage of inauguration for Africa Health 3 & The first launch of EXPO club ref. Messe Berlin

NCIEC issued the 7st. issue of NCIEC News magazine for June 2024 which included comprehensive coverage of Egypt & Armed Forces celebration of Martyrs and Veterans Day during educational symposium No 39 as well as annual celebration of Able to Difference , Egyptian Women Day and other important events on main stage at AL Manara ICC. new edition also includes comprehensive & expanded coverage of most prominent & important exhibitions that took place during the second operational period of current season including inauguration of the conference proceedings by Prime Minister Dr Mostafa Madbouly the 3st. medical expos Africa Health, the selective view of Le Marchee and Electrotech exhibitions last March, and the Athletes Forum in Egypt & Arab World via famous Sports Expo window, addition to excellent selection of events, exhibitions and forums was at totally the prominent feature of remarkable progress & growth that is achieved with confidence & consistency in our services and facilities which enjoy acceptance, interest & special vision among customers and visitors. In a new initiative for Exhibitions Lighthouse, the first edition of International Club for World Exhibitions was launched on our pages for first time, as the new issue dealt with Messe Berlin, known for exceptional specifications & European characteristics as one of the technical icons full over all this industry. To follow the 7st. edition of NCIEC News use the following link on our website

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Initiatives Foundation honored Winners of Arab Reading Challenge competition at Al Manara ICC

More over 28 million participants from 50 countries & famous prize in cooperation with Egyptian Ministry of Education

The Foundation for His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives announced names of winners in the proceedings of 8th. for Arab Reading Challenge competition which was held at level of governorates of Arab Republic of Egypt in cooperation with Ministry of Education, in a major celebration held on the main stage of Al Manara ICC in presence of minister for education Dr Reda Hegazi and many of the most senior officials and diplomats from Egypt and UAE. The current edition of Reading Challenge has exceeded all expectations with more over 28 million participants representing 50 countries, addition to many of important schools and educational institutions beside to approximately 155000 reading supervisors & supervisors in one of the biggest scientific events concerned with developing methods & concepts of Arabic reading Completely modern & developed methods. In addition the Initiatives Foundation of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid and Egyptian Ministry of Education honored the first place holders & winners of valuable financial prizes allocated by organizing committees of the event for various divisions, specializations & branches amid interest & remarkable presence of press & media from the beginning of celebration until conclusion at courtyard of Al Manara ICC Theater.

by video conference at Al Manara ICC ... Mr President AL Sisi inaugurated selection of giant development projects at the South Valley

Historic achievements & promising steps to double Producing agricultural crops with biggest and qualitative roads, axes and investments

Mr President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi President of ARE inaugurated many of giant development projects in south of valley, the most prominent & important which was reclamation project of more over 420000 acres on Toshka after National Service Projects Agency was able to reclaimed with high efficiency within record time in one of the biggest and most important projects & achievements To increase area and space of agricultural land and raise crop productivity to unprecedented and high rates, addition to several axes, bridges, new roads, water pumping stations, and infrastructure that largest of their kind which will contribute to enhancing the pace of development movement in southern Egypt, by expanded forum held on main stage of Al Manara ICC by video conference it was attended Prime Minister Dr Mostafa Madbouly, ministers, senior statesmen, senior commanders of armed forces and many officials relevant. Relatedly, President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi followed to detailed explanation about progression of work stages on these giant projects until they were completed & entered promising and pioneering paths to produce basic and strategic crops in famous quantities, along with many other agricultural products with comprehensive vision aimed at extending the arms of development strongly to desert and transforming its clearly A new & promising green delta, achieving self sufficiency in agricultural food crops while exporting surpluses. In his speech, Mr President AL Sisi focused on intensifying work to reach the highest level of productivity & providing all opportunities for investors to participate in these major projects, appreciating the great efforts made by work teams in armed forces & competent government agencies responsible for implementation, pointing out importance of continuing work at higher rates as well as His Excellency gave signal to open and begin operating for new projects.

Mr. President AL Sisi honored the memorizers of Holy Quran During Laylat Al Qadr celebration at Al-Manara ICC

Inauguration and developing more over 11900 mosques & equipping Them Nearly 150000 other mosque are at highest level

Mr. President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi President of ARE witnessed the annual celebration of Laylat Al Qadr and the last 10 days of holy Ramadan, which organized by Ministry of Endowments on the main stage of Al Manara ICC in presence of Prime Minister Dr Mostafa Madbouly His Eminence the Grand Imam Sheikh of Al Azhar Professor Dr Ahmed Al Tayeb and Minister Endowments Dr Mohamed Mukhtar Gomaa ministers senior statesmen & ambassadors of Arab and Islamic countries accredited to Cairo. In his speech on this occasion, President AL Sisi stressed that the Night of Destiny carries solid meanings & values of righteousness, loyalty and diligence appreciating the great efforts made by His Eminence Grand Imam of Al Azhar and Ministry of Endowments to spread teachings of the middle, moderate & upright approach to Islamic religion calling on God Almighty to protect Egypt & people. May God have mercy on righteous martyrs & bless the efforts of loyal sons. His Eminence the Grand Imam Sheikh of Al Azhar Al Sharif also delivered a speech in which he focused on virtues of comprehensive values and meanings contained in the Holy Quran pointing out that the Arab & Islamic nations have all the strengths that must be invested in cooperation & partnership for all fields in order for them to reach prestigious position that befits their history & civilization, while He presented to President the second issue of Al Azhar magazine in 106 volumes spread over more than 100000 pages. For his part, Minister of Endowments Dr Muhammad Mukhtar Jumaa indicated that process of rebuilding & developing mosques is proceeding with growing and accelerating steps in recent years as more over 11900 mosques have been opened and developed & approximately 150000 other mosque have been prepared at highest level, in addition to production of 400 scientific advocacy & educational publications in country Sciences of the Quran & Sunnah He also presented to President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi a new copy of famous Royaa collection which published in joint cooperation between Ministry of Endowments and Egyptian General Book Authority. In addition Mr President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi honored the first place winners in 30th International Holy Quran Competition from inside Egypt and abroad which was held by Ministry of Endowments for first time at Egypt House of Holy Quran at New Administrative Capital last August and granted them certificates of appreciation & prizes allocated for competition while His Excellency lis

Mr President AL Sisi attended the 5st. celebration for differently abled 2024 at Al Manara main Theater

Knights of Will sharing in group of Egyptian and Arab art stars of providing wonderful singing interludes within concert segments

Mr. President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi President of ARE witnessed the celebrations of the fifth edition for differently abled on main stage of AL Manara ICC in presence of Prime Minister Dr Mostafa Madbouly, Minister of Solidarity Dr Nevin AlQabbaj, Minister of Youth and Sports Dr Ashraf Sobhi & many of ministers and senior state officials. The Knights of Will sons of Egypt with special needs presented honorable examples of their experiences and successes they achieved in various scientific, sports, social & artistic fields, with evidence confirming the extent of Egyptian states support and interest in them and keenness to integrate them into society, while a group of Egyptian art stars presented artistic & singing interludes. Many and varied events took place during ceremony with sharing of various capable patrons at courtyard of AL Manara main Theater. Mr President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi and attendees also watched recorded documentary examples presented by group of Egyptian young presenting their personal experiences, which have become a message of will & challenge to achieve success and prove oneself, while this year-s celebration witnessed participation from the children & youth of sisterly Palestine who received medical care in Egypt which is keen on every effort. Making sure to extend a hand of support & assistance to her siblings at all times and for all circumstances.

Mr.President AL Sisi attended the activities of IATF 2023 at Al Manara ICC & EIEC

Mr.President AL Sisi: Egypt keen on positive support for construction Development & reconstruction at all levels and various fields

Mr.President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi President of ARE visited the activities of IATF 2023 which organized by EDA and Afreximbank cooperating with competent bodies in AU at EIEC & AL Manara ICC from 9 to 15 November 2023. During the visit, His Excellency was accompanied by Mr.President of Zimbabwe and Mr.President Republic of Malawi, Prime Minister Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, ministers, senior officials in AU and membership of African governments added the Chairman of Board Directors for AfreximBank Dr. Benedict Oramah and former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo Chairman of Advisory Board for EXPO-S beside many elite figures from Egypt and abroad. Mr.President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi gave a speech and welcomed Egypt-s guests whose sharing in biggest African forum for intra trade & economic cooperation, stressing that Egypt keenness on positive support for construction, development & reconstruction at all levels and various fields, expressing his hope that attendees would enjoy a good stay in Egypt and wishing for EXPO would provide a pioneering role in developing Paths of economic & trade cooperation and integration between African countries. After that, Mr.President Al Sisi accompanied by senior attendees toured at halls to follow African groups, countries, companies and institutions present in 3st. of IATF 2023, with more over 1600 exhibitors representing approximately 75 countries from Africa & their strategic partners around the world.

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